Survive the harsh life of being stuck on a raft in the middle of the ocean! You’re are no longer stranded on a lonely island, yet worse you’re lost in the middle of the ocean! No civilization! Only cold salt water and wild, hungry sea creatures! Gather debris from the water to craft necessary equipment. Build axe, hammer, rope and other stuff to create new walls, pillars, shelters. Expand your raft and create a more comfortable living for yourself. Maintain your health by cooking food and filtering sea water. Be wary of the ers of the ocean! Especially the shark coming to destroy the raft and munch on you! The game has an advanced crafting system and will be interesting to people who love crafting, building as well as survival games! FREE Game Features: — Gathering - Collect all necessary items from the ocean: tools, crafting materials, food and more! — Crafting and Building - Advanced crafting system: Items, Buildings, flooring, pillars, rafting stairs, tools, —weapons and more! — Cooking - Cook your food and filter the salt water! — Fishing – Try to catch fish and other sea animals to not die out of hunger! — Farming - Grow vegetables and palm trees! — Survival – Keep yourself alive at all costs! — Wilderness survival simulator 3D - Avoid or fight the mighty sea creatures such as the fearless shark! — A lot of activities to do – crafting, collecting materials, building, fishing, farming, cooking, fighting sharks! — Real adventure – amazing gameplay and lots of fun guaranteed! — Cool graphics and easy navigation - an easy and memorable game to play! Beautiful ocean, wind, waves, what else is needed? Your only goal? - to survive! So throw your hook and begin the adventure now!
「评价」很普通的一款游戏,没有多大的特点,有的只是较高的自由度(仅代表个人看法) 「玩法」玩家首先进去界面,创建一个新存档,之后会出现在一个由四块木板组成的大木板上,角色自带钩子,前期用钩子收集材料,可以先做个长矛,再做炊具、烧水器和杯子,做好后可以用收集的材料做锤子,毕竟建造是需要它的,一般能活着到这里就没什么问题了,工具里有钓竿可以钓鱼,还有两个木箱,小木箱是种植物的,大木箱是椰树。接下来的就是建造,前期可以根据水流的方向用锤子在水上造#6,这是可以把水面上漂浮的材料拦下来,走上去就能捡到了(建议从中心往两边扩建,只要食物和水充足,那就可以先把材料总用在这上面),等到材料足够,便可以肆意建造了。 「注意」前期会有鲨鱼骚扰,会吃掉你的木板,用钩子和长矛好像都可以击退它,最好不要下海,一下海你就失去战斗能力,会被鲨鱼咬 「操作」简单易上手,而且不需要顾虑很多东西,游戏非常简单,既可以玩到生存,也可以玩到建造,刚上手的我直接就被吸引住了
有点意思,让我想起了前阵子的电影《鲨滩》。 居然英文都被我猜的差不多了,关键的一点,先要有水和食物,活下去先
那里海面总是澄清 那里空气充满宁静 雪白明月照在大地 藏着你最深处的秘密 我坐在建了一半的小阁楼,看着远方,静静的哼着 海面的迷雾依然平静,我似乎已经拥有了一切,但是又仿佛一无所有 最后,我纵身一跃,跳入了大海 鲨鱼相残的撕扭着,但是我不痛,因为我明白 人类最大的恐惧,不是死亡,不是痛楚,而是寂寞
那些鲨鱼就是欺软怕硬的贱货,前期总是来欺负我拆我木板,后来我制作出鱼叉了,就知道怂了!生产还是要有点套路的,不然前期很容易渴死饿死,注意水分、饥饿、生命值为0都会死亡。 我的经验是这样的,第一优先的是做取水器,水分是耗损最快的,海水并不能喝;做了取水器第二件可以做鱼竿,有鱼竿就可以钓鱼,不过把鱼煮熟了能恢复更多饥饿度,但是前期为了省资源,所以先吃生的,反正有没有生病系统;然后就要开始做钩子和锤子,钩子可以勾住飘过的材料,锤子是生产工具,还有千万不要想着自己跳下水去捡,特么没有这个功能,而且你会被鲨鱼攻击的,得不偿失; 只要优先按以上几个步骤做,下面自由度就高很多了,因为生产得到保障了,接下来你可以做更多的木板扩建你的地盘,做个烹饪台你可以烤鱼吃,做盆栽你可以种土豆,记得做个鱼叉,那煞笔鲨鱼敢过来你就捅他。