Draw on your luck and persistence in your quest to become the world's greatest treasure hunter!
【Visit an Infinite dungeon】
Discover more and more new monsters and items as you advance further and further into an Infinite dungeon!
How far in you can go depends on you!
【An unlimited amount of items to discover】
The statistics of the items you find are automatically created each time, so you never know what kind of item you are going to find!
【A burning appetite for treasure】
Kill monsters and fuel the fire of your appetite for treasure!
If your treasure appetite catches fire, you might discover a large amount of treasure chests!
【Compete with users from all over the world】
Compete with users from all over the world on how far you can make it into the dungeon!
Try to become the world's greatest treasure hunter!
上面3个评论全是托 里面是英文的反正我是看不懂
休闲娱乐 公车地铁时的解闷游戏 玩法也很大众 玩起来很有小时候GB机的怀旧感还是挺不错的 但没有汉化真的是硬伤 希望能进一步改进
吐槽一下,为什么第一关的奖励如此丰富?难道是因为教学关的原因吗? 只有手斧是可以打掉建筑物的,这个武器的设定还是有点意思。技能没有蓝的概念,用冷却时间和存储的技能来玩,稍微有点别扭。